We speak to artist Scarlett-Rose Lovette about play, PSEUDO, a multidisciplinary gig-theatre production exploring AI and the nervous system.
We’re so excited to be working with Scarlett-Rose Lovett to market their play, Pseudo.
As we see more complex conversations about the role of AI in artistry, artist Scarlett-Rose Lovette has taken a different approach to their work. With the creation of their multidisciplinary theatre production, PSEUDO, they’ve explored the similarities between AI and the human nervous system.
After being diagnosed with Functional Seizures and FND (functional-neurological-disorder) in 2023, Scarlett found themselves looking for a metaphor to help explore their diagnosis and the imposter syndrome associated with disability. They spent the last year as part of the the ‘CTRL’ creative technology residency in collaboration with The Lowry and Submerge, learning about AI and Deep learning technology and theory.
AI models have been designed to mimic the human brain, so Scarlett’s play explores the role of a clownish pseudo electrician, attempting to re-programme their Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), the equivalent of rewiring their nervous system. This futuristic perception of AI also makes room for a cyberpunk theme track as the play explores what ‘recovery’ can mean to someone diagnosed with a long-term health condition.
This combination of AI learning and comparison to the human brain makes for a fascinating watch, bridging the gap between humans and machines.
PSEUDO is supported by The Lowry, Submerge, Arts Council England, CTRL Cohort, New Adelphi Theatre, Contact, FND Dimensions.
You can catch PSEUDO at The Lowry or stream online on Tuesday 10th of September at 8pm.
Scarlett-Rose Lovette says: “The ways in which AI models have been designed to mimic the human brain has served as a useful metaphorical template for me to articulate and translate what I believe is happening to me neurologically to an audience.”